Page 6 - The Bureau - Cyber Security Awareness e-book.indd
P. 6

A https:// Web address requires a
        Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certifi cate
        which comprises a series of small

        digital files that bind a cryptographic
        key to an organisation’s details.
        When installed on your Website and
        server, it activates the padlock icon in
        the browser address bar and the
        https:// protocol to initiate a secure
        session with browsers. Once a secure
        connection is established, all Web visitors
        to that Website and any interaction and
        email enquiries from it will be secure.

        When a SSL certificate is installed on a Website, the application protocol displayed as http://
        will upgrade to https:// to indicate that the Website and Domain can prove its authenticity and
        has gone through a validation process to prove that it is genuine.

        Google likes sites with a https:// prefix and will give each extra brownie points and a higher

        ranking. Google sees the https:// symbol as proof that the firm is taking Website security
        seriously and will prefer that site to one with a standard http:// address.

        The Bureau is recommending that all its customers purchase an SSL Certificate to raise their
        online credibility and data protection position in front of their customers, suppliers, ICO, FCA,
        and SRA regulators whilst earning another few brownie points at Google and Bing.

        The process of applying for an SSL Certifi cate and https:// address status is very
        straightforward. Today it is very easy to set-up an SSL certifi cate and https:// browser

        address which for existing customers is a matter of embedding the certificate into the
        Website’s Webspace and Hosting platform.
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