
e-news bulletins are eye-catching, colourful, interactive and help keep your audience interested in your advice and expertise, news, announcements and promotions

Postage costs and the continued shift to online communications is leading many firms to turn their attention to digital marketing or e-marketing.

Email marketing continues to be the most used digital communication tool with over 4.0 billion daily users. Conventional promotions and face-to-face meetings may well continue but online promotions like animated e-bulletins and e-books are becoming increasingly popular with customers.

The Bureau creates e-bulletins and e-books that are fully interactive with any number of click-through points; on animated buttons, videos, read more PDFs, email, and Website links. Interactive emails give audiences the chance to directly respond, on the spot via their email in-boxes.

Interactive and colourful emails are engaging, succinct and relevant. Get this right and research shows they achieve at least twice as much interest as conventional promotions.

Adopting an e-marketing strategy will meet customer expectations and help you to stand-out from your business rivals.

...some of the work we do...